What To Do If You Think You Have a Grievance
The UNO-AAUP negotiates on behalf of all full-time faculty and represents faculty in bargaining agreement disputes. We also help faculty navigate their rights under the agreement.
If you think your rights under the bargaining agreement have been violated, contact the UNO-AAUP Grievance Team. We can often tell you immediately if a problem rises to the level of a grievance and/or strategize with you about the best course of action to deal with the problem. Common areas of concern that relate to the bargaining agreement include reappointment, promotion, and tenure; annual review; and workload.
A grievance, as noted in the bargaining agreement (Section 5.7.l), involves a dispute concerning the interpretation and/or application and/or alleged violation of specific term or provision in the contract agreement.
The University of Nebraska Administration and UNO-AAUP have negotiated and refined a clear process for resolving issues that arise (see Section 5.7 in the agreement). The grievance process protects all bargaining unit faculty, not just dues-paying members of UNO-AAUP. All faculty members are entitled to use the grievance procedure and to receive UNO-AAUP’s support in the process. (Please do consider joining as a dues-paying member to support this work.)
A formal grievance must be filed within 60 days of the problem occurring, or after you became aware or should have become aware of the problem. However, many matters can be resolved with chairs or deans or the timely intervention of UNO-AAUP, often without the filing of a grievance. Let us know as soon as you think you have a problem and we can help you figure out the best possible courses of action.
Please contact the UNO-AAUP Grievance Team.